Sika® Lightcrete Flow-Air
Flowable Fill Performance Admixture
The addition of Sika® Lightcrete Flow-Air generates high, stable air contents while
significantly reducing water requirements in CDF. When used as recommended, Sika
Lightcrete Flow-Air enhances the performance of CDF as follows:
- Increases flowability with a water reduction as high as 50%.
- Reduces segregation.
- Controls strength development with stable air contents of 20% to 35%.
- Produces consistent performance from the plant to the jobsite.
- Increases the yield of materials up to 35%.
- Yields wet densities in the range of 1450 to 1800 kg/m3 consistently.
- Generates extremely high stable air contents.
- Provides comparable or faster setting times compared to conventional CDF.
- Aids pumpability and reduces segregation from pumping.
- Reduces shrinkage as a result of lower cement and water contents.