Fewer Quality Issues - Outstanding Customer Experience

Providing an excellent customer experience is an essential factor for winning customers in the auto glass industry. Innovations like mobile service, windshield repair, fast service, and simple insurance claim handling are vital for the success of the auto glass industry.

Adhesive technology enables reaching minimum safety standards quickly. However, since curing depends on air moisture, it can take up to a week until the adhesive stiffens and reinforces the vehicle to its original level.

Typical quality issues are related to the reduced car body stiffness. SikaTack® ELITE is different; learn how it can help your auto glass business to reduce comeback costs and increase overall customer experience.

Here are Three Examples to Show the Advantage of Powercure and How To Get Started

Safety Matters

When a windshield gets replaced, a component critical to the occupants’ safety, and the vehicle's integrity is affected. These days, the windshield is structurally bonded to the vehicle body, increasing cabin stiffness and crash safety. The use of the wrong product and improper workmanship has resulted in fatal accidents. Sika strives to provide best-in-class innovative solutions and technician training to ensure the integrity of the vehicle and  safety of its occupants.  This has been one of the driving forces making Sika the leading brand for windshield adhesives globally.

car durability

Windshield and adhesive prevent you from ejection

car airbag

The windshield serves as a backboard for the airbag

car accident

Windshield as member of the car body prevents roof crush

Cure to OEM Level – Only with SikaTack® ELITE

Today, cars can be driven just 30 minutes after the installation of a new windshield. Auto Glass Adhesives typically meet the FMVSS 212 crash test standard, which defines the vehicle's minimum requirements to be safely driven, following an installation.

However, standard single component adhesives may need up to 7 days until they reach the original vehicle conditions. During this time, the torsional stiffness of the vehicle is compromised.

  • The windshield strengthens and reinforces modern vehicles (but only if the adhesive is cured).
  • Many quality issues in auto glass are linked to insufficient torsional stiffness (customers may have to deal with trims that get loose, matters related to ADAS sensors, noise). 
  • Many automobile manufacturers require the vehicle to be back to its original conditions before it is released for operation. 
  • Volvo, VW, and others require the use of chemical cure (2-component) adhesives or significantly longer waiting time than the 30 minutes. 
  • The main area of concern of the automobile manufacturers is the torsional stiffness of the vehicle 
  • The cabin may collapse in a rollover accident
Sixty minute cured to oem level logo

SikaTack® ELITE for PowerCure is different!

Sika's PowerCure technology achieves the torsional stiffness performance required by Automotive OEM’s within 60 minutes; it basically allows a shorter waiting time without compromising safety and quality. At Sika, we call reaching this performance "Cured to OEM Level".

SikaTack® ELITE helps you Keeping an Excellent Customer Impression even if something goes wrong

In auto glass replacement, up to 3% of the windshield installations result in a comeback of the customer due to workmanship and quality issues. A windshield installed with SikaTack® ELITE lets you deal with such matters more professionally, leaving a good impression on your customer.

Glass installed with 1C adhesive Glass installed with SikaTack® ELITE*
Risk of soiling the car interior if cut out within the first 3-7 days No risk! It can be cut-out 60 min after installation since its already cured
The customer may have to drive for a week prior to the issue can be fixed It can be fixed almost immediately after detecting the issue, resulting in less hassle for the customer

*if glass is available or can be refitted

  • Water leaks
  • Wrongly placed or displaced windshields
  • Wrong glass installed (e.g., color, non-OE glass, missing logo, brackets, sensors)
  • Issues related to sensors (ADAS, rain sensors)
  • Headup displays with a distorted view
  • Trims than shift, get loose, quality of trims
    Customer detects issues near the windscreen (distance, scratches)
  • Heater screen (front and back) that does not work
  • Leave marks on paint due to tape holding screen in place

Stiff as New in just 60 minutes

Sika tested the development of body stiffness on a vehicle with the Dynamic Test Center in Switzerland. The test setup was measuring the vehicle body deformation at the maximum axle deformation. 60 minutes after the installation, the vehicle was back to the original vehicle stiffness.

Vergleich Stiffness with SikaTrack without Windshield
Vergleich Stiffness with SikaTrack with Windshield
Rigidity of Car Body with Wheels Fixed

Modern Vehicle Design

Over the years, the way a windshield is fitted to the vehicle body has changed from rubber trims to bonded windshields. Since the 1980s, the windshield is bonded using high-performance polyurethane adhesives. Over time, the requirements for adhesive have advanced, too. These days, the windshield is structurally connected to the vehicle body, increasing cabin stiffness and crash safety. Modern vehicles take reinforcement effects of windshields and other components into account so that engineers can reduce metal thickness or utilize different lower weight materials. Weight gains help reducing fuel consumption, increasing vehicle range, and achieving higher passenger comfort.

Modern Vehicle Designs