SikaProof® A-12
Pre-Formed, Fully-Bonded and Underflow-Resistant Edge Sheets for the SikaProof A Waterproofing Membrane System
- Cold-applied (no pre-heating or open flames) and pre-applied, before the reinforcement is fixed and the concrete is poured.
- Fully and permanently bonded to the concrete structure.
- No lateral water underflow or migration is possible between the concrete structure and the membrane system.
- High watertightness determined in accordance with various testing standards.
- Easy to install with fully adhered joints (no welding required).
- Weathering resistant with temporary UV-stability.
- High tensile strength and elongation.
- High flexibility and crack-bridging ability.
- Resistant to aggressive mediums in natural ground water and soil.
- Highly durable with cost-effectiveness benefits.
- Can be combined with other approved Sika® waterproofing systems including:
- Sikaplan® WT membranes, FPO-based sheet waterproofing membranes
- Sikadur® Combiflex® SG System, FPO-based joint sealing system