Sikacrete®-08 SCC
Sikacrete®-08 SCC is a ready-to-use, highly flowable, self-compacting, cement-based concrete, usable for concrete thickness between 25 and 450 mm (1 and 18 in).
- Simple-to-use labour-saving system.
- May be pumped or poured.
- High bond strength.
- Compatible with coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete.
- Increased resistance to de-icing salts.
- Good freeze/thaw resistance.
- Easily applied to clean, sound substrate.
- Not a vapour barrier.
- Formulated with inert, non-reactive aggregates to eliminate potential Alkali-Aggregate Reactivity (AAR).
- Aesthetic, high quality surface finish.
- May be used with Sika® Ferrogard® 901 corrosion inhibitor.
- Ministère des Transports du Québec approved.
- Partial or full depth repairs.
- On grade, above, and below grade on concrete.
- On horizontal, vertical and overhead surfaces.
- As a structural repair material for parking facilities, industrial plants, walkways, bridges, tunnels, dams and balconies.
- Filler for voids and cavities.
- Simple-to-use labour-saving system.
- May be pumped or poured.
- High bond strength.
- Compatible with coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete.
- Increased resistance to de-icing salts.
- Good freeze/thaw resistance.
- Easily applied to clean, sound substrate.
- Not a vapour barrier.
- Formulated with inert, non-reactive aggregates to eliminate potential Alkali-Aggregate Reactivity (AAR).
- Aesthetic, high quality surface finish.
- May be used with Sika® Ferrogard® 901 corrosion inhibitor.
- Ministère des Transports du Québec approved.
25 kg (55 lb) bag
Concrete Grey
Protect stored material from exposure to rain, condensation and high humidity as moisture may penetrate packaging, causing lumps.
As per ACI 308 recommendations for cement concrete, curing is required. To achieve performance consistent with Technical Data, curing must be provided by recognized curing methods, such as wet burlap covered with white polyethylene film or approved water-based curing compounds, such as Sika® Florseal WB-18 & -25. Alternatively, the use of Sika® Ultracure DOTTM or NCFTM wet curing blankets is strongly recommended. Curing must commence immediately after placing and finishing. Protect freshly applied mortar from direct sunlight, wind, rain and frost.
25 to 30 min
Sikacrete®-08 SCC can be used for underwater concreting.
To place the concrete underwater with minimum of loss, inject the concrete through tremie of 50 mm (2 in) in diameter keeping the discharge end embedded into the previously placed concrete. The tremie is then raised as the injection proceeds, taking care that the extremity always remains sufficiently embedded in the concrete to prevent any material washout.
At time of application, surface should be saturated surface dry (SSD) with no glistening water. Ensure good intimate contact with the substrate is achieved. Pump with a variable pressure pump. Continue pumping until a 20 KPa to 35 KPa (3 psi to 5 psi) increase in normal line pressure is evident then STOP pumping. Form should not deflect. Vent to be capped when steady flow is evident, and forms stripped when appropriate.
Place 2.5 L (0.66 US gal.) of water in mixing container. Add Sikacrete®-08 SCC while continuing to mix. Add additional water up to 0.2 L (0.05 US gal) to obtain desired consistency. Mix to a uniform consistency, maximum three (3) minutes. Mechanically mix with a low-speed, D-handle style drill (400 - 500 rpm) fitted with either a jiffy, ribbon-mud mixer, or a mud mixer type paddle. For larger volume mixing, utilize a mortar or concrete mixer with paddles for best results.
Mix to a uniform consistency, 2 to 3 minutes.
Mix with clean potable water at an approx. rate of 2.5 and 2.7 L (0.66 and 0.71 US gal) per bag.
Start with 2.5 L (0.66 US gal) and mix to the required consistency with the remaining water.
Steel reinforcement should be thoroughly prepared by mechanical cleaning to remove all traces of rust. Where corrosion has occurred due to the presence of chlorides, the steel should be high-pressure washed with clean water after mechanical cleaning. For priming of reinforcing steel use SikaTop® Armatec-110 EpoCem® (Consult Product Data Sheet).
Remove all deteriorated concrete, dirt, oil, grease, and all bond-inhibiting materials from the surface. Be sure repair area is not less than 25 mm (1 in) in depth. Preparation work should be done by high pressure water blast, or other appropriate mechanical means to obtain an exposed aggregate surface with a minimum surface profile of ± 3 mm (1/8 in) (CSP 6 - 10 as ICRI). Saturate surface with clean water. Substrate should be saturated, surface dry (SSD) with no standing water during application.
Sikacrete®-08 SCC is a ready-to-use, highly flowable, self-compacting, cement based concrete, usable for concrete thickness between 25 and 450 mm (1 and 18 in).
Approx. 13 L (0.46 ft3) of fresh concrete per bag.
Minimum ambient and surface temperatures +7 °C (45 °F) and rising at time of application unless using with Sikacem® Accelerator (refer to Technical Data section).
For best results, condition product at +18 °C to +24 °C (65 °F to 75 °F) prior to mixing and installation. Lower temperatures may result in slower strength development and longer cure times.