
Superior UV resistant, epoxy resin primer, binder, and top coat, clear or pigmented

Sikafloor®-217 is a 100 % solids, low VOC, low odour, water-clear, aesthetic, high gloss epoxy resin used to create premium quality high build coatings, broadcast or trowel-applied surfacings such as Sikafloor® Quartzite®, DecoFlake® and Metallic FX®.  The formulation contains state of the art raw materials and additives blended to create superiour resistance to ultra violet light colour change over time.

  • Superior resistance to long term UV light colour change.
  • 100 % solids as supplied.
  • Superior aesthetic glossy finish.
  • Durable, impermeable and seamless surface that is easy to clean.
  • Excellent impact resistance.
  • Low VOC-content, low odour.