
Sika Solutions for Tunnels and Underground Subway Stations Construction

To know more about our products

Sika Group

  • Company founded in 1910 
  • More than 30 000 employees on every continent
  • Subsidiaries in more than 100 countries
  • More than 400 factories in the world
  • 18 global technology centres

Sika Canada

  • Company established in Canada in 1957 
  • More than 400 employees
  • 8 production sites ISO 9001 / ISO 14001 certified
  • 1 North American Flooring R & D centre

TBM Solutions


Foaming Agents

Sika® Stabilizer-1118 TBM CA

Foaming agent for earth pressure balance machines (EPBM) for low to high permeability soils

Sika® Stabilizer-1219 TBM CA

High-performance foaming agent for earth pressure balance machines (EPBM) in heterogeneous soils and low temperature environments

Sika® Stabilizer-1513 TBM CA

Foaming agent for earth pressure balance machines (EPBM) specifically designed for abrasive soils excavation

Sika® Stabilizer-1514 TBM CA

Foaming agent for earth pressure balance machines (EPBM) for clayey soils presenting clogging and adhesion issues

Sika® Stabilizer-1518 TBM CA

Foaming agent for earth pressure balance machines (EPBM) for clayey and cohesive soils


Polymers and Additives

Sika® Stabilizer-3212 TBM CA

Anti-clay, pure polymer used to reduce clogging in compact soils

Sika® Stabilizer-3214 TBM CA

High-performance, anti-clay, pure polymer formulated to reduce clogging in compact soils

Sika® Stabilizer-3710 TBM CA

Strong thickening polymer used to absorb excess of ground water in extracted materials



Sika® Stabilizer-2131 TBM

Fire-resistant, first-fill tail sealant grease for shielded TBMs

Sika® Stabilizer-2231 TBM

Fire-resistant, continuous tail sealant grease for shielded TBMs


Injection Grout Admixtures (Cementitious and Bentonite)

Superplasticizing Admixtures

Sika® Stabilizer-5010 TBM CA

Retarding and water reducing admixture for cement or cement / bentonite injection grout

Sika® Stabilizer-5012 TBM CA

High-range water reducing admixture for cement / bentonite injection grout


Injection Grout ADmixtures (Cememtitious and Bentonite)

Retarding and Accelerating Admixtures

Sika® Stabilizer-6015 TBM CA

Set and hardening accelerating admixture for cement / bentonite injection grout

Sika® Stabilizer-6018 TBM CA

High-performance set and hardening accelerating admixture for cement / bentonite injection grout


Injection Grouts

Sikafix® HH+

Hydrophobic, low-viscosity and high-solid polyurethane injection grout

Sikafix®-101 US

Hydrophobic and low-viscosity polyurethane injection foam


Fast-reacting polyurethane-based resin with short gel times and high final strength for water stopping applications

Sika® Injection-304 / 304 PS

Very low-viscosity polyacylic polymeric strengthened resin with adjustable reaction time for permanent watertight sealing


Fast-curing and foaming, silicate-based foaming injection resin for heading face stabilization and void filling


Fast-curing, non-foaming, silicate-based, rigid injection resin with short reaction time for demanding ground consolidation and stabilization



Anchoring Solutions

King® MS-Cable

High-performance, neat, shrinkage-compensated anchoring grout for cable bolting applications

King® HS-Cable

High-performance, neat, shrinkage compensated anchoring grout for applications in soil containing sulphates

SikaCem® Accelerator

Non-chloride hardening accelerator formulated to increase the early strength of grouts without affecting the initial workability


Fast-reacting polyurethane-based resin with short gel times and high final strength


Fast-curing, non-foaming, silicate-based, solid injection resin


Wet Mix Shotcrete Solutions

Sika® Sigunit® L-500 AFI

Alkali and chloride-free liquid wet mix shotcrete accelerator

Sika® Sigunit® L-530 AFI

High-performance alkali and chloride-free liquid wet mix shotcrete accelerator

Sika® Sigunit® P-10 AF

Alkali and chloride-free, readily soluble powdered accelerator for on-site shotcrete

SikaFiber® Force-48 / 54

48 or 54 mm long macro-synthetic fibres used in structural shotcrete to improve energy absorption, load capacity, ductility and abrasion resistance

King® MS-W1 UG

Factory-blended, pre-packaged shotcrete mix with very good pumpability, slump retention and reduced rebound for underground work (compatible with macro-synthetic or steel fibres to increase flexural strength)


Dry Mix Shotcrete Solutions

King® MS-D3 UG

High early strength, factory-blended, pre-packaged shotcrete mix containing Portland cement used for ground support applications in underground work (compatible with macro-synthetic or steel fibres to increase flexural strength)

King® RS-D2

Factory-blended, pre-packaged shotcrete mix powered by Rapid Set® technology providing greatly reduced setting times and very rapid strength development (compatible with macro-synthetic or steel fibres to increase flexural strength)

Concrete Admixtures


Water Reducing and Workability Improving Admixtures


Superplasticizing polycarboxylate (PCE) based admixture with various water reducing and slump retention levels

SikaTard® et Viscoflow®

Extended workability retaining admixtures

Sika® Plastocrete®

Water-reducing admixtures providing an economical and effective way to reduce mixing water, providing up to 10 % water reduction

Sika® Plastiment®

Water-reducing and set retarding admixtures


High-range water reducing admixtures


Durability Enhancer Admixtures

Sika® Air

Air-entraining admixture with unique formulation for superior air entrainment of concrete and improved workability

Sikacrete®-950 DP

Silica fume densified, dry powder admixture for cement concrete and mortars


Shrinkage reducing / compensating admixtures used to produce high-performance concrete with greatly reduced potential for drying shrinkage, cracking and curling


Concrete Segment Admixtures


Superplasticizing polycarboxylate (PCE) based admixtures with various water reduction and slump retention levels


Shrinkage reducing / compensating admixtures used to produce high performance concrete with greatly reduced drying shrinkage, cracking and curling

Sika ViscoFlow®-2020/-2050

PCE based admixtures providing extended workability without set time delay

Sika® WT-240 P

Integral powdered crystalline-based permeability reducing admixture for use in various watertight concrete in above- and below-ground applications

Concrete Work Products


Self-Compacting Concrete

SikaCrete® -08 SCC

Ready-to-use, cement-based, highly flowable, self-compacting concrete usable for concrete thickness between 25 mm and 450 mm

King® MS-S10 SCC

High-performance, factory-blended, self-consolidating, concrete repair mix containing Portland cement, silica fume, sand and 10 mm controlled-grain size stone

King® RS-S10 SCC

High-performance, very rapid hardening, polymer-modified, factory blended concrete repair mix, formulated with Rapid Set® technology cement containing a powdered redispersible polymer, 10 mm controlled-grain sized stone and other components


High Performance Concrete

SikaCrete-211 Flow plus

Ready-to-use, factory-prepared cementitious concrete that can be used for pump or hand applications exceeding 25 mm. Specially formulated concrete for improved workability and easier surface finishing

King® MS-S10

High-performance, pre-packaged, self consolidating concrete mix usable for concrete repair and construction. It contains Portland cement, air-entraining admixtures, silica fume, synthetic fibres, sand and 10 mm controlled-grain size stone

King® RS-S10

High-performance, very rapid hardening, polymer-modified concrete repair mix. It is pre-blended with RapidSet® technology cement containing a redispersible powdered polymer, sand and 10 mm controlled-grain size stone


Concrete Curing

UltraCure NCF et DOT

Single-use, wet curing blankets for traffic or pervious concrete coating

Sika® FlorSeal WB

Sika® Florseal WB-18 & -25 are ready-to-use, water-based, clear, high gloss, non-yellowing acrylic emulsion cure and seal solutions, applicable on to new concrete substrates after the final finishing operations are completed to form a film that retains mix water, allowing normal hydration

Waterproofing Solutions


Waterproofing and Protection Systems

Sika® Drainage Mat 420/720/1000

Waterproof drainage mats offering different levels of drainage and compressive strength, usable as protective layers for membrane systems

Sikaplan®-800/-1000 Geo textile

800 to 1000 g/m2 polypropylene, non-wowen geotextiles usable as a protection or separation layers beneath underground or tunnel waterproofing membranes


Waterproofing Sheet Membranes

Sikaproof® A+ 08 / 12

Polyolefin (FPO) based sheet membrane for foundations and other below ground concrete structures. It is loose laid on substrate, for pre-applied and post-applied applications. Available in thicknesses ranging from 0,8 mm to 1,2 mm


Fully-bonded TPO membrane system for pre-applied and post-applied applications in foundations and other below ground concrete structures. Designed for a long-term durability and available in 2 mm thickness

Sikaplan® WP-1100

Loose laid PVC and TPO sheet membrane systems for long term durability. Available in thicknesses from 2 mm to 3 mm


Joint Waterproofing

Greenstreak® PVC Waterstops

Waterstoping products and solutions used to seal construction and expansion joints in concrete structures

Sikaswell® S-2 / A

Specially formulated range of high-performance, swellable, acrylic profiles and sealants for the water stopping of all kinds of construction joints

SikaFuko® Smart

Re-injectable PVC hose system for sealing various constructions and connection joints in watertight concrete structures

SikaFuko® VT-1 /VT-2

Re-injectable PVC hose for sealing various constructions and connections joints in watertight concrete structures. Supplied in diameters ranging from 6 mm to 10 mm.

Anchoring and Repair Solutions


Watertight Injection Resins


Flexible polyurethane injection grout

SikaFix®-HH LV

Low-viscosity, expanding, flexible and hydrophobic polyurethane injection grout


Hydrophobic, low-viscosity, high-solids, expending polyurethane injection grout. It will stop flowing water and displace it from cracks and voids, replacing the water with a flexible and closed-cell foam

Sika® Injection-307 / Sika® Inject-215

Low to very low viscosity, elastic polyacrylic injection resins with versatile and adjustable reaction time

SikaInjection®- 310

Powder-based acrylate injection resin


Reactive Anchoring, Injection and Grouts - Epoxy

Sika AnchorFix®

Epoxy-based chemical anchoring resins line with fast-curing or extended working time

Sikadur®-31 Hi-Mod

High-modulus, high-strength, structural, epoxy paste adhesive

Sikadur®-32 Hi-Mod

Epoxy-based protective coating and bonding adhesive

SikaTop®-Armatec® 110 Epocem®

Anti-corrosion coating and bonding agent

Sikadur®-35 LV

Solvent-free, moisture-insensitive, low-viscosity and high-strength multipurpose epoxy resin adhesive


Super low-viscosity injection resin

Sikadur®-55 SLV

Super low-viscosity, moisture insensitive epoxy resin crack healer and penetrating sealer


Repair Mortars

SikaTop®-123 PLUS

Polymer-modified, non-sag, cementitious mortar with silica fume and containing a migrating corrosion inhibitor for structural repairs. Designed for overhead and vertical surfaces, on grade, above grade and below grade on concrete and mortar (building, parking structures, industrial plants, bridges, tunnels, etc.)

Sika Mototop®-410F

Polymer-modified, fibre-reinforced horizontal, overhead and vertical repair and reprofiling mortar with integral corrosion inhibitors


Rapid-hardening repair mortar with extended working time for structural repairs (horizontal and full depth patching) of concrete roadways, parking structures, bridges, dams and ramps

Construction & Reinforcement


Cementitious and Resinous Anchoring Grouts


High quality, non-shrink cementitious grout with a unique two-stage shrinkage compensation mechanism

SikaGrout®-428 FS CA

Non-shrink and chloride-free, cementitious precision grout powered by Viscocrete® technology

SikaGrout®-300 PT

High-performance, zero-bleed, sand-free cementitious grout

King® MS Cable

High performance, shrinkage compensated, sand-free anchoring grout


Epoxy resin-based structural grout designed for injection, anchoring and seating applications

Sikadur®-42 Grout Pak MF/LE

Pre-proportioned epoxy base plate grouting system


Railing Seating and Insulation

Sika® Icosit® KC 330 Primer CA

Adhesion promoter/primer used as a pre-treatment of dry concrete, steel and asphalt substrates. For improving adhesion of the Sika® Icosit® product range

Sika® Icosit® KC 340/45 CA

Flexible polyurethane grouts designed as a vibration and noise-reducing grout for continuous rail work (embedded floating tracks with medium axle loads)


Structural Reinforcement Systems

Sika® Carbodur® S

Pultruded carbon-fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP) laminate designed for strengthening concrete and masonry structures (bonded onto the structure as an external reinforcement using Sikadur®-30 epoxy adhesive)


Carbon fibre fabric for structural strengthening systems


A range of solvent-free, moisture insensitive epoxy resins designed for bonding reinforcement elements and impregnating various Sika® reinforcement fabrics

Interior Finishing Solutions


Screeds and Underlayments

Sika® Level-125

Polymer-modified self-levelling cementitious underlayment using Sika® ViscoCrete® technology for use in applications of 1 to 38 mm thinckness

SikaFloor®-Level 25

Polymer-modified, versatile and durable cementitious self-levelling screed for interior concrete floors which can be applied manually to achieve a rapid, flat, economic substrate levelling prior to the application of the final floor finish. Typical application thickness: 5 - 25 mm

Sika® Level Primers

Range of flooring primers specially formulated to improve adhesion between substrates and floor coverings ensuring a strong and durable bond. Flooring primers offer several benefits, including improved bonding, reduced porosity and incresed resistance to moisture and chemical penetration.


Flooring Systems


Range of technical and decorative epoxy or polyurethane resinous flooring systems for all types of flooring

Systèmes haute performance

Range of flooring systems for specific applications and requirements: Sikafloor® ESD for antistatic protection or Sikafloor® MRW for mechanical rooms protection

Systèmes décoratifs

Aesthetic and comfortable epoxy resin-based flooring with various mineral- or synthetic-based inclusions for public, commercial and tertiary premises

Sikafloor® NA PurCem®

Advanced generation of polyurethane-cement systems specifically designed for extreme service conditions (service temperatures, exposure to abrasion and chemicals, heavy point loads and frequent and heavy traffic, frequent and intensive cleaning)


Adhesives and Sealants


Premium grade, high-performance, moisture-cured, polyurethane-based non-sag elastomeric sealant

Sikaflex®-1c SL

High-performance, self-levelling polyurethane sealant with accelerated curing capacity

Sikaflex®-2c / -2c SL

Non-sag, polyurethane elastomeric sealants (self-levelling version available)

Sikaflex®-2c NS EZ Mix

Non-sag, chemically-cured, polyurethane-based sealant for working joints treatment

Sika® Loadflex®-524 EZ

Semi-rigid, solvent-free, self-levelling polyurea control joint filler

Complementary Solutions


Special Applications Concrete and Additives


Ultra high performance concrete (UHPC) formulated for structural and architectural applications in civil engineering, including concrete rehabilitation/retrofitting and precast concrete applications


Concrete fibres range for various applications (short synthetic fibres for fire protection and to prevent cracking, long or steel fibres for improved impact resistance)


Free-flowing, concentrated pigment granules designed to permanently colour concrete and other cementitious materials. Usable to colour cast-in-place, precast and dry-cast concrete floor slabs, walls, steps, sidewalks, curbs, columns, arches, blocks, pavers and other decorative objects.


Fire-Rated Expansion Joints

Emshield® DFR2

Fire-rated, primary watertight expansion joint for repairs, retrofit and new installations in structural expansion joints and construction joints in horizontal-plane applications

Emshield® WFR2

Fire-rated and watertight wall expansion joints for interior and exterior applications. Sound attenuation and 2-hour fire-rated joints

Emshield® TFR-RWS

Fire-rated tunnel expansion joint designed to meet the requirements of specific tunnel fire rating scenarios


Waterproof and Protective Coatings

Sikagard® SN-100/SN-40

Highly penetrating, clear monomeric silane sealers formulated to provide an integral barrier against ingress of moisture and waterborne salts into concrete and masonry while allowing surfaces to breathe

Sikagard®-550 w

Acrylic-based elastomeric coasting for protective and decorative applications. It bridges microcracks, minimizes carbon dioxide, water and chloride ingress and aesthetically enhances structures


Clear, mat and ready-to-use, polyorganosiloxane-based permanent non-sacrificial anti-graffiti and anti-fly poster protection coating

Masonry and Roofing


Masonry Mortars

King 1-1-6 Type N

Pre-mixed, factory-bagged type N mortar specially designed for laying bricks, natural stones, concrete blocks and other masonry products

King® Block Type S / King 2-1-9 Type S

Premixed, factory-bagged Type S mortar specially designed for laying bricks, natural stones, concrete blocks and other masonry products, when a higher compressive strength is required

King® MasonGo 100

Pre-mixed, factory-bagged type N mortar designed for laying bricks, natural stones, concrete blocks and other masonry products

King® Masongo 200

Pre-mixed, factory-bagged type M mortar designed for laying bricks, natural stones, concrete blocks and other masonry products, when a higher compressive strength is required


Filling Grouts

Fine Grouts

King® CellFiller E-20

Pre-mixed, factory-bagged expansive grout specially designed for filling cells and other cavities when laying concrete blocks

King® CellFiller E-30

Pre-mixed, factory-bagged expansive grout specially designed for filling cells and other cavities when laying concrete blocks

King®Coulis avec granulats : King® CellFiller C-20

Pre-mixed, factory-bagged expansive grout specially designed for filling cells and other cavities when laying concrete blocks


Roofing and Waterproofing Membrane


Single-ply PVC thermoplastic roofing membrane produced with an integral fibreglass mat reinforcement (Sarnafil® G) for adhered roofing systems or an integral polyester reinforcement for mechanically-attached roofing systems (Sarnafil® S)


PVC thermoplastic roofing membrane designed with an integral fibreglass mat reinforcement


Liquid-applied, polyurethane-based waterproofing membrane. Sikalastic® membranes are perfectly suited for roofs with complex details or geometry

Canadian Projects References


Airport Trail Tunnel (Calgary, AB)

The Airport Trail tunnel in Calgary is a project worth almost 300 million dollars will run through the city under the Calgary International Airport. EMSEAL's Emshield TFR-RWS expansion joints were installed across the tunnel roof to optimize protection in the event of fire.


Réseau Express Métropolitain (Montréal, QC)

67 kilometres public transit system based on automated electric light rail technology, serving the Greater Montreal area. Sika contributed to the project with its structural adhesives for segment bonding, injection grouts for post-tensioned structures, admixtures for segment prefabrication and other construction solutions, including its Sikaplan® waterproofing membrane system.


Broadway Subway (Vancouver, C.-B.)

Extension of 5.7 km (5 km underground and 700 m elevated) of the Millennium Line in Vancouver, including 6 underground stations. Sika was involved in the project with a variety of tunnelling products, various waterproofing and injection solutions and a multitude of repair products.


Eglinton LRT (Toronto, ON)

This major public transit project in central Toronto stretches 19 km (including 10 km underground) from west to east, and includes 25 stations. Sika distinguished itself on this project through its technical expertise and its ability to provide construction solutions that met the challenges faced by the project, such as waterproofing membrane systems, grouts and injection resins, shotcrete, rail fastening grouts and more.


Prolongement du métro de Scarborough (ON)

Transportation project to extend Line 2 of the Greater Toronto Area subway system by nearly 8 kilometres to Scarborough. The tunnel was excavated using an EPB tunnel boring machine of over 12 metres in diameter. Sika developed an annular grout mix adapted to the requirements of the project and supports the project with admixture storage and distribution containers.


Tunnel ferroviaire express régional 401 - Metrolinx (ON)

The project includes two single-track rail tunnels, each 180 m long and 11 m high, running under the junction of highways 401 and 409. The sequential excavation method (SEM) was used to excavate the tunnels less than 5 m under the 21 lanes of traffic kept open on highways 401/409. Sika contributed to the project with the Sikaplan® waterproofing membrane system, complemented by other waterproofing and construction solutions.

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